Photography: Katre Laan
What is a photograph?
In everyday situations we face contact with images. The small photographs of our close relatives or partners we care the most we carry in our wallets. The latest fashion posters on the walls of buildings stand out more than ever, particularly due the eye-catching looks. The images on newspapers’ frontal pages could attract reaction in public’s minds, such as concern and anger. As Ansel Adams once said: ’’ Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.’’
Images do not necessarily have to represent the truth. It could also be used as a way of twisting people’s minds, such as advertising a brand or a space. In the 21st century, creativity has remarkably pushed its boundaries, taking into consideration characters, emotions, and visual effects. Recently, the very latest LEVI’S jeans poster caught my eye. Simple, black and white photograph of a boy and girl in front of an urban industrial area with the note: ‘Live unbuttoned’. The idea of the campaign is clear; comfort was the idea behind the photo. Although I personally fell for the campaign and creativity it didn’t influence me to the extent that I would have bought the product based only on photographs.
The actual photographic term for a photograph stands for ’’writing with light’’. Shutter regulates the length of time and aperture controls light needed for the correct exposure. In real life situation we would have captured history already without thinking of the technical aspects. Each day people create history. Snapshots are a common way to express feelings, occasions. Despite keeping a diary or a blog, photographs are useful additions as references of occasions. Without photography we would all imagine circumstances differently. Making pictures has turned into a habit to show emotions and the joy of life, simply by pressing the button.
What does an image stand for in our personal life? Do we feel a connection with a certain photographs? If we could see our family, partners, best friends all the time, would we still appreciate photographs same way as before? In reality we all live only once, some people 19 years lucky ones reach 85 years. Each birthday is different from previous years, mainly because time has passed on and left a trace on all of us, such as age. Looking back at old photographs our mind breaks into memories: feelings of joy, suffer, literally to the past when the picture had been taken. In most cases without a reference such as photographs we would not remember every detail as clearly as it was. On the other hand if we would lose a loved one, would a photograph represent joy or sad eyes? Clearly each image stands for itself, has it is own precious memories mostly joyful.
A particular image refers to an idea, either in mass media as a reference to an article or then a way of promoting a new product. It occurs as an eye-catching way to get public’s attention and also feedback. Even a simple snapshot could move mountains, regardless the reaction it might get.

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